WV Meth Lab Cleanup

Licensed Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation

Appalachian Environmental Testing & Consulting

Appalachian Environmental Testing & Consulting is the company to call for professional methamphetamine residue testing, meth contamination detection, and meth lab cleanup and remediation. We are a full-service West Virginia state licensed clandestine drug lab remediation company committed to providing reliable property decontamination to cleanup meth cook sites and meth labs (clandestine methamphetamine drug manufacturing laboratories) throughout our north-central West Virginia service area.

West Virginia Licensed Meth Lab Remediation Contractor

Meth Lab Testing

Methamphetamine Residue Assessment

Certified West Virginia Meth Lab Cleanup Service

Comprehensive Meth Residue Decontamination

Specially Trained & Licensed Meth Lab Remediation Technicians

Advanced Meth Lab Testing by Accredited Laboratory

Cost-effective Remediation of Meth Labs

Professional Cleanup & Decontamination of Clandestine Drug Manufacturing Sites

Thorough Cleaning of Meth-contaminated Areas

West Virginia Certification Reports – Meth Lab Cleanup

Clearance for Habitation After Properties Were Used as Meth Cook Sites

How Meth Lab Cleanup & Remediation Works

One Call Takes Care of It All!

If you are a landlord, homeowner, commercial business owner, or represent a financial institution whose property has been used as a cook site for methamphetamine, contact us for comprehensive clandestine drug lab cleanup and remediation. As soon as law enforcement personnel determine no explosion risk is present and provide clearance for entry, we can begin the testing process to determine if any areas of your property are contaminated with meth residue.

Step 1: Initial Testing & Assessment

The site is inspected, samples are taken from surface areas in each room to determine whether methamphetamine residue is present. Testing is conducted by an accredited laboratory and/or on-site testing as required for certification.

Step 2: Positive / Negative Meth Residue Test Results

Properties where at least one sample site exceeds the state mandated threshold (1.0 micrograms per 100 sq. cm.) for mandatory West Virginia clandestine drug lab remediation are eligible for meth lab cleanup services. You will receive a report indicating the certified lab test results, as well as additional findings from the property assessment, as relevant.

Step 3: Approval for Remediation

If meth residue is indicated, we work with you to complete and file all require paperwork with WVDHHR to secure approval to perform meth lab remediation services on your behalf.

Step 3: Prep for Remediation

Once approval is received to begin remediation, we will work with you to schedule your meth cleanup service. All meth-contaminated furnishings, carpeting, property, and debris found on-site are photographed and documented. Any remaining on-site clandestine drug manufacturing materials, drug syringes, pipes, paraphernalia, and meth-related hazardous materials are rendered inoperable, then handled according to local, West Virginia state, and federal laws and standards. All contaminated property and materials are bagged & hauled away for proper disposal.

Step 4: Cleanup & Remediation

All remaining meth-laden surfaces are thoroughly vacuumed and/or cleaned, treated to eliminate methamphetamine residue, scrubbed, rinsed, and decontaminated.

Step 5: Follow-Up Testing

After meth lab remediation service is completed, Appalachian Environmental Testing & Consulting performs follow-up sampling and lab-certified and/or on-site testing, as appropriate, to ensure surfaces in the initially identified meth-contaminated rooms meet or exceed stringent West Virginia standards. Additional remediation is performed, if necessary.

Step 6: Certification

Meth levels following remediation must be at or below the mandated threshold under applicable West Virginia state law. Upon confirmation of successful meth lab cleanup and remediation to restore your property, completion of any additional on-site assessments, reviews, and checks, the decontamination is documented. You will receive a report for your records, which may also be used to certify that the property has been professionally remediated and is cleared for habitation.

Meth Contaminated House or Rental Unit?

We Clean & Restore WV Properties Used to Cook Meth FAST

We understand how important it is to have your house or rental unit cleaned up promptly after exposure to methamphetamine-related hazards. That is why Appalachian Environmental Testing & Consulting strives to expedite all service requests for West Virginia meth lab cook site cleanup and remediation.

Suspect Meth Manufacturing at Your WV Property?

Oftentimes, a landlord or homeowner may suspect their rental unit or house is being used to produce meth, but is unsure what steps to take and where to turn. If local authorities have alerted you that your property, or a neighboring unit, has in fact been exposed to harmful methamphetamine manufacturing activities, contact us right away. You may have been exposed. Request that the property be tested and cleaned, if necessary. Professional meth remediation will ensure that you and your family, as well as any incoming tenants, will be able to enjoy a clean, safe home environment.

Can I Clean Up a Meth Cook Site on My Property?

No. Not only would attempting to clean up a meth lab yourself expose you to a broad range of hazardous and dangerous chemicals, but it is also illegal to do so in West Virginia.

What Are the Signs of a Meth Lab?

While only methamphetamine residue testing verified by an accredited lab or professional on-site testing, along with evidence of illicit manufacturing activity can certify that a property was used as a meth lab, there are some signs that may indicate that the property should be tested. While no one sign alone, or even a few together, is likely to indicate the presence of a drug lab, when all or most of these signs are present, it may indicate a problem.

Strong Chemical Odors from Garages & Outbuildings

Residents Never Seem to Place Trash Out for Collection / Attempt to Place Trash in Neighbor’s Bin

Large Amounts of Empty Antifreeze & Drain Cleaner Containers

Constant & Continual Stream of New Visitors That Stay for a Very Short Time

What are the Dangers of Meth Lab Contamination?

Those exposed to meth and meth manufacturing residue may suffer from serious health risks. The threat of harm may be especially acute for children and crawling infants.

Violence & Aggressive Behavior

Severe Anxiety, Paranoia & Psychosis

Hallucinations & Delusions


Dizziness, Confusion & Mood Disturbances

Headaches, Nausea & Vomiting for No Apparent Reason

Difficulty Breathing

Nose & Throat Irritation

West Virginia Meth Manufacturing Decontamination

One Room, Whole House, Garage & Outbuilding Meth Cleanup

We handle all aspects of cleaning up and decontaminating meth manufacturing and meth lab production sites from small to large. If you suspect your home, multi-unit family housing apartment complex, shed, garage, or outbuilding may have been used for methamphetamine manufacturing, contain meth production materials, meth residue, and/or clandestine drug components, contact us right away. The sooner we begin the process, the faster we can restore your house or rental unit property to safe living conditions for your family or tenants.

Trust Your Home & Health to WV’s Best Meth Lab Cleanup Company

At Appalachian Environmental Testing & Consulting, we operate with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to excellence. As one of the best meth lab and clandestine drug manufacturing remediation contractors in the northeastern US, we offer professionally licensed drug lab decontamination services trusted by homeowners, real estate agencies, financial institutions, and governmental agencies throughout the entire north-central West Virginia region.

Choose us for cost-effective cleanup services delivered with state-of-the-art technology, advanced methodology, and current best practices tailored to your specific needs. At Appalachian Environmental Testing & Consulting (AETC), our methamphetamine decontamination technicians provide reliable, cost-effective testing and remediation so you can place your property back into use as soon as possible.

Contact Appalachian Environmental Testing & Consulting

Protect your health with professional meth residue testing and cleanup performed by our Licensed Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Contractor and Technicians. We are fully trained, certified, licensed, and well-equipped to provide accurate meth testing and reliable meth remediation. We help homeowners, schools, medical facilities, and businesses of all types throughout our north-central West Virginia service area enjoy cleaner, healthier, safer home spaces. We think you will find that our extensive education, training, experience, and expertise sets us apart as West Virginia’s Premier Meth Remediation Contractor. We invite you to explore our full range of inspection and remediation services. Contact us for quality you can rely on by calling: (304) 613-6999.

Licensed Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Contractor

Asbestos, Lead, Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation (CDLR) Division

WV Office of Environmental Health Services

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) / Bureau for Public Health (BPH)

State of West Virginia

License No.: MC000119

Licensed Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Technician

Asbestos, Lead, Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation (CDLR) Division

WV Office of Environmental Health Services

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) / Bureau for Public Health (BPH)

State of West Virginia

License No.: MT000445